How to Clean Range Hood Filters in 3 Easy Steps

how to clean a range hood filter

Are you thinking about how to clean a range hood filter? Check out these three simple steps to make your filter sparkly clean! The range hood filter is situated over the stove surface. Its main aim is to clean the kitchen air and prevent the accumulation of grease, dirt, germs, and fire hazards. That is the thing that every homeowner wants in their kitchen. As they are safeguarded in your kitchen, they also need some maintenance to keep them in good shape. 

Some people do not understand that they should do thoroughly clean up their filters to prevent bad water pollutants. They are sometimes easily overlooked when cleaning comes. You can always clean them with a few measurements and steps. Whatever procedure you want to do, be sure to do it every month to get rid of any buildup.

Here are three step by step guide you can follow to keep your kitchen away from the accommodation.   

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1) Soaking Filter in Liquid Dish Soap and Baking Soda

how to clean a range hood filter

Required Things

  • Hot water
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Baking soda
  • Non-abrasive scrub brush
  • Dry cloth

1) Pull Out the filter from the hood.

In this process, you need to separate the hood range filter. That might be different depending on the type

and model of the filter you are using, but they are easy to handle. Some may be attached with screws, while others might have a basic latch mechanism that you need to press and lift to detach the filter. Some filters have a fastening system that you can rotate in and out of position. Figure out how the filter is attached and detach it earlier to cleaning. 

  • If there is a plastic casing that is attached to the covers of your hood filter, then you need to detach that at first, then use a screwdriver before you remove the filter from the hood.    

2) Fill Up Your Sink with Hot or Boiling Water

Be sure to use a sink plug to stop the water from going down to the drain. You should use warm water and make sure you use it as warm as possible. Fill up your sink about ¾ of the way. 

  • If your faucet water does not give enough hot water, then boil the water in a pot and then pour it into the sink.  

3) Run 1/4 cup (60 g) of Baking Soda and A Tablespoon of Dish Soap into the Sink.

Take 1/4 cup (60 g) of baking soda and pout that in the sink. After that, pour one tablespoon (15 mL) of degreasing dish soap into the water. Then mix them evenly until you make the water soapy. 

  • Use a whisk or brush to stir the baking soda and dish soap mixture, especially if you are using boiling water to keep your hands away from burning.
  • Put ¼ cup (59 mL) of vinegar to the mixture to give the solution more cleaning power. 

4) Place the Filter in the Sink and Let it Soak for At Leat 10 Minutes.

If you have enough time, then make sure the filter is fully submerged so that the whole part of it gets cleaned at once. Let the filter soak in the warm water mixture for at least 10 minutes to allow the solution to remove the tough stains from the hood filter. 

  • If the filter is large that does not fit in the sink. Then you may need to do half side at a time. Or use your bathtub or big bucket to clean the entire filter at once. 

5) Rub the Filter with A Non-Abrasive Scrub Brush.

With the filter in the sink or tub, scrub the filter to get off any type of stubborn stain. Scrub the entire area of the filter front and back to make sure that it is entirely clean. 

6) Wash the Filter Under Running Water and Dry It with A Clean Cloth.

Drain the sink and turn on the warm water from the tap to wash the filter. Use running tap water to remove all the mixture from the filter. After it is washed using clean dry clothing to dry up the filter thoroughly. 

  • Place the filter on a towel or dish rack to dry up evenly for an hour or so. 

7) Place the Hood Filter Once It is Dry and Cleans Them Monthly.

Be sure your filter is entirely dry before you put it back into the hood. To keep your filter in good shape, do monthly cleaning. That will keep your range hood filter running successfully and make your filter look perfect. 

2) Soaking the Filters in Ammonia

1) Pour Ammonia On to of the Filters in A Gallon-Sized Reseal able Plastic Bag

Place the filters into the plastic bag and pour enough ammonia over them to cover the filters, or enough to fill up the back half full. After that, close the bag and leave it on a flat surface, such as a table or counter. 

  • Secure the filter in a bag with the ammonia will keep the smell of the ammonia restrain. 

2) Let the Filters Soak in the Ammonia Overnight.

The ammonia will shatter the stubborn grease from the filter and clean the filter while it is soaking. Leave the filter in the solution for at least 8 hours or overnight. 

  • There is no need to rub the filters with a brush or move them from the ammonia solution. The solution itself can clean all the stubborn dirt from the filter. 

3) Clean the Hood Filters Below Warm Water and Dry Them

After soaking the filter for a long time take the filter out from the bag. Place them into the sink and turn on the hot water from the faucet. Clean the filter with warm water to remove all the ammonia. Then dry the filter will an air dryer or leave it on the dish rack for a few minutes until it’s dry. 

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3) Removing Grease with Dishwasher Detergent

Things You Will Need

  • Baking pan
  • Dishwasher detergent
  • Old toothbrush

1) Remove the filter from the hood and wet it with warm water.

The hot water allows the dishwasher detergent to wash away the grease and other stubborn dirt to clean the filter. Rinse both sides of the filter, and be sure to make it fully soaked under the water. 

2) Place the Wet Filter on A Baking Pan and Cover That with Dishwasher Detergent.

Detach the filter from the sink and set it on a big baking sheet. The filter side has the most grease, and the rest should be facing up. Then pour a good amount of dishwasher detergent all around the filter. 

  • That will reduce the huge mess on your table or counter space if the baking sheet is larger than the filter.
  • Be sure to use dishwasher detergent instead of the liquid one because detergent works like a gel cleanser that is only used in the dishwasher, not the liquid version. 

3) Use A Toothbrush to Spread the Detergent Around the Surface of the Filter.

Scatter the dishwasher detergent around the filter. Be sure you cover all the parts and edges with it. Use a toothbrush to distribute all over the area. 

  • If you do not have any brush, then use your finger to spread the detergent, but that might not work effectively. 

4) Leave the Detergent Sit on the Filter for 20 Minutes

Let the dishwasher detergent sit on the filter for at least 20 minutes to remove the stubborn grease from it. If you think your filter is too dirty, then let it sit at least one hour or more to get rid of the dirt. 

5) Clean the Filter with Warm Water

After making the filter soak, the dirt and grease on the filter should come off in the water. Be sure to clean all over the filter to remove debris.

  • Use a hose attachment to spray the filter if your sink has one. The water pressure from the hose will be powerful enough to remove dirt from the filter.   

6) Repeat the Cleaning If Necessary.

When your filter is significantly soiled, you might need to repeat the process more than one time to completely clean the filter. There may be some debris stitch on the edges, or trouble is to add more dishwashing detergent on them and rub them thoroughly one more time.   

  • Be sure to dry the filter before you put it on the hood. Use a clean towel or dish rack to dry it up for an hour or if needed.  

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Important Note

  • Fabric and grease filters can not be cleaned so replace these types of filters every 3 to 4 months.
  • Do not clean the hood range filter in the dishwasher. The smell and the grease will hold on to the lining of your dishwasher and get seize in the drain. 
  • The area all over the filter can be a fire danger if you wipe it regularly. So, clean it once per month with a degreaser. 

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