Bissell Vacuum Cleaner Belts: Which One Should You Pick?

Bissell Vacuum Cleaner Belts

Vacuum cleaner belts play a very important role in how a vacuum works. One good example is that a belt is responsible for transferring the power from the motor of the vacuum cleaner to the brush roller.

However, despite the fact that the brush roller of a vacuum does not have to be in operation at all times for this cleaning tool to make a powerful suction having a properly matched and healthy vacuum cleaner belt is important to make sure that the vacuum will perform at its maximum potential.

Nevertheless, if you are looking for Bissell vacuum cleaner belts then you are in the right place. In this article, we have compiled the best belts for Bissell Vacuum Cleaner where you can choose from.

Best Bissell Vacuum Cleaner Belts Reviews

Bissell Vacuum Cleaner Belts

1) Bissell 32074 Replacement Belts

Best Bissell Vacuum Cleaner Belts

The Bissell 32074 is best suited for PowerGroom Helix Vacuum Series and PowerGlide Series vacuum cleaners. These replacement belts are made from high-quality materials thus you are certain that they will last until the recommended time you need to replace them.

Moreover, with Bissell 32074 debris, dirt, and other allergens will be removed from your carpet and other types of flooring thoroughly.

Nevertheless, this pack comes with two counts and it is available at reasonable price tags. When it comes to installing the belts, you can simply rely on the guide for the installation procedures.

2) Bissell PowerForce Compact Lightweight Upright Vacuum Cleaner Belt

Bissell Vacuum Cleaner Belts

This list of best Bissell vacuum cleaner belts will not be completed without mentioning Bissell PowerForce. With a total dimension of 3.8-inch by 3.7-inch by 0.4-inch, this vacuum cleaner belt is ideal for a 1520 PowerForce lightweight upright vacuum.

Furthermore, it is a flat type vacuum cleaner belt. In case you didn’t know this type of belt is the most commonly used these days. Additionally, it has more contact places to the motor shaft as well as the brush roller compared to other others types, specifically the round ones.

Bissell PowerForce belts are also made from tougher materials that actually make them much sturdier.

One drawback of this product is that it is not refundable. However, this minor issue should not stop you from buying this Bissell vacuum cleaner belt, because since you get it for as low as $5.

3) Bissell ProHeat Belt Accessory 6960W

bisell proheat vacuum bellt

This vacuum cleaner belt is best suited for deep cleaner units such as ProHeat 250A3 Series and ProHeat 7950, 7920, 7901, and 8910 series.

But aside from that, Bissell ProHeat Belt Accessory 6960W can be also used on the following models:

  • 1623 Series
  • 1622 series
  • 1370 series
  • 8905 series
  • 8804 series
  • 1699 series
  • 1698 series and
  • 1697 series

Changing your vacuum cleaner’s belt with this product is pretty easy. In fact, it will not take you half an hour to finish the installation process especially if you are used to changing belts. Nevertheless, if it is your first time to install vacuum belts you can always rely on the user guide that comes in the package.

4) Bissell Lift-Off Replacement Belt 3200, Pack of 2

Bissell Lift-Off Replacement Belt, 2 pk

As the name implies, this vacuum cleaner belt is suitable for lift-off bagless vacuums. In addition to that, Bissell Lift-off belts work with model numbers 6850, 89Q9, 37606, 6860H, 42209, 37604, and 18Z6.

Similar to other Bissell belts, this is one is also available at a cheap price tag. As a matter of fact, for as low as $7 you will get this pack of two Bissell vacuum cleaner belts on Amazon.

Though it is not that expensive, make sure that you check if it suits the vacuum cleaner that you have to avoid wasting money.

There you have it the four best Bissell vacuum cleaner belts in the market.

How Often Should You Change The Vacuum Cleaner Belt

As a general rule of thumb, a vacuum cleaner belt needs to be changed one or two times every year. This is to ensure the vacuum cleaner will perform at its best and pick up dirt and debris better and faster.

As the days go by, the rubber material will begin to breakdown and it becomes too loose. Meaning to say, it may start to slip and not grip the beater or roller brush like it should.

Nevertheless, here are some of the common signs when it is the right time to replace the belt of your vacuum cleaner. Read Here: Best Vacuum Under $150: Top 5 Editor’s Picks

Shows sign of tear and wear

A vacuum cleaner needs to be checked thoroughly to see signs of tear and wear. A quick manual inspection may reveal tiny cracks or tears in the material. So, if these are noticeable, then you will need to change the belts as soon as possible so that the current situation won’t become worse.

Another problem is that residue, hair, and fur may build upon any belts. Usually, this occurs when the unit is not cleaned regularly or when a big mess was sucked up.

Burning Smell

Another noticeable sign that you need to watch out for is a burning smell. When you noticed this smell, make sure to switch off the vacuum cleaner immediately and don’t plug it until it is fixed.

Most of the time, the smell of burning rubber is caused by friction from the rubber material on the wooden brush. But sometimes the collected fur and hair starts to burn. To avoid this from happening you need to inspect the belt regularly.

Sudden Breaks

When the belts suddenly break, then it is an obvious indication that you need to change them. Though sudden break is not common, it does occur most especially if the warning signs are overlooked.

Not only that, but it may also happen if the brush turns out to be snagged on something or when the vacuum cleaner picks up sharp things. Read Here: How to Replace Vacuum Belt Bissell


Keeping the belts of your vacuum cleaner is very important most especially if you want your unit to work efficiently. Nevertheless, if you have decided to buy one, you can consider any of the above-mentioned products.

But make sure they are suitable for your vacuum cleaner. And since vacuum belts are not too expensive, we highly recommend that you keep spares so that when your vacuum belts suddenly break, your cleaning schedule will not be interrupted.

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