Best Dog Trundle Beds – Best Dog Bed Under Bed Guide

We all have that one best friend that we always want to be around and in today’s world having a dog as your best friend is as common as ever before!
Whether they be your support dogs, your kid’s best friend, or even your own old pal we want them to be near us at every moment that is why they need a bed near us, a dog trundle bed is the dream bed of every dog-loving family out there.
Having a dog as a pet may be the best thing that ever happened to a family, a dog provides the essential playtime a growing child needs while also being the reason to smile on the faces of the adults.
If you have a kid that cannot live without his pet doggy, then having a dog bed under his bed may not be a bad idea and may help induce the sense of feeling loved in the child even more.
The bond between an owner and his pet is as strong as any family bond. Just think about it! When you come back home your dog is dying to meet you, He misses you all day!
And haven’t we seen our pet laying on our bed dozens of times? Even they want to be near us when we sleep, your buddy wants a human bed with a dog bed underneath and you know it.
A dog trundle bed is a type of bed that can be rolled in under your own bed and can easily be rolled out at night when you want your dog to sleep near you.
There is a verity of trundle bed available on the online market today but sadly, there are no exact trundle beds for dogs available but worry not as that is not much of a problem. Even a normal trundle bed is more than fine to be used as a bed for your dog to sleep on.
Other than the option of buying trundle beds online there is also a choice of having your own custom bed frame with a built-in dog bed made by any company that makes and designs furniture on demand.
Yes, it is an expensive option but it also is the ideal bed for your family and your pet dog. On the positive side, it excludes the limitation of standard sizes of the frame as custom-made bed frames will be what you want them to be. It could be a king-sized bed frame or even the double of the king-sized one!
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Best Dog Trundle Beds
If a dog, trundle bed is what you need when selecting the best trundle beds for your dog depends upon a number of factors that also take into account the needs of your family and thus before you decide to buy a trundle bed for your dog. Do go over the following things
- Interior Space of the Room
- Comfortable space Required by Family
- Number of dogs owned
- Budget
The interior space of a room is very much important when you wish to buy a bed frame and as a large-sized bed does not suit a small room, similarly a small-sized bed does not suit a large room
The comfortable space required by the family should be priority one your list as you are going to use that bed for years to come and you should make sure that you get enough space to get a good night’s sleep
The number of dogs you own should influence heavily on the type of trundle bed you buy and most trundle beds have a size enough for two or even three dogs to sleep on
Budget Calculation is a key thing and comes in handy while balancing price over quality as that is a must require thing to do so before any purchase you make online.
If you are not looking to overspend and are having a medium budget, then buying a trundle bed online will be the best thing you will ever do for yourself and your dog, but that depends on whom you want the dog to sleep with. If you were looking to buy the dog trundle bed for you, the child his pet dog then the best choice would be.
Broyhill Kids Marco Island Captain’s Bed with Trundle Bed and Drawers
It is very hard to find a bed design that incorporates the playfulness and the required creativity in design that this bed offers. The pull out trundle bed with this product is large enough to let two dogs sleep on it all the while adding the functionality of drawers that is a much-required storage space in a child’s bedroom. The dog and the child can enjoy the comfort and company in one go all thanks to this clever design
The bed is made up of high-quality solid hardwood and composites that are able to withstand up to 200 pounds and is proudly made to withstand years of use.
The main bed is able to hold a 9-inch mattress that gives enough relaxation as per any child’s requirement while the trundle bed that the dog will be using can support a mattress of 7 inches.
This bed is perfect for a small room where you can use it without sacrificing enough space and the additional storage capacity offered by this bed adds further value to it. It is in the medium budget range is made out of high-quality wood which is bound to give the room a more natural and warm look.
- Medium Budget
- Preserves Space
- Offers Storage
- Kid-Friendly Design
If your requirement is a bunk bed for two kids and a dog trundle bed such that both kids can sleep happily near the family pet then the best dog trundle bed for you would be. This would also be a lot cheaper than buying two single trundle beds and would also preserve a lot of space in the room
Merax Twin Bunk Beds for Kids Twin
This Twin Bunkbed offers something special for your kids and that is a dog trundle bed, which is easily rolled out on the caster. This bed frame is ideal for your kid’s bedroom when you want them to enjoy having each other’s company and their pet dog by their side. This product ensures to give your kid a warm childhood memory
The product design reflects the enthusiasm and playfulness that every child holds. Bunk Beds are a dream for siblings when they are young but a bunk bed with a dog trundle bed is the best thing you can get for your kids and your pet dog on the online market right now
The wooden material used to make this bed will attract the kid’s attention while looking beautiful for even a small room. The problem with many wooden beds is the splinter but this bunk bed is also made splinter-free with sanded and smooth coating, which is also very safe as it is made lead free.
The Product is designed with safety in mind by making the rails of the upper bed high and the ladder has wide treads which make them much easier to climb for a child. The weight this bed frame can support is enough to make it even usable for adults.
- Ideal for Two Kids
- Safe for Kids
- High Weight Support
- Medium Budget
If you require a full-sized bed for yourself with the added space to comfortably stretch and sleep at night with your dog by your side and have a room that has a bit more space, then the best dog trundle bed for you would be.
Best Quality Furniture Full Bed W/Trundle, Dark gray
This full sized bed frame is spacious enough for any adults and can be placed in the master bedroom. The headboard and the footboard provide a very modernistic look to this bed frame, which among the more common look many households go for. The dark color and gorgeous look of this bed frame while offering enough space for two adults and even more than one dog is what makes it rank among the top hundred in Beds and Kitchen Category on Amazon
For the trundle bed, a twin-sized mattress would be required and can be of maximum 10 inches for that extra layer comfort you want to give your pet dog, Moreover the trundle bed for the dog is more than capable of providing space for more than one dog to sleep on. The bed is upholstered and is made of very good quality fabric.
- Medium Budget
- Luxurious Look
- Spacious Sleeping Area
- Ideal for Multiple Dogs
Human Beds with Dog Bed Underneath
While Trundle beds give you the option of rolling out the bed underneath at any time. Some customers have other preferences such as the dog sleeping, not on his own bed next to them but rather under the same bed that they are using, forming a sleeping space for the dog similar to a dog den under the customer’s bed.
The solution for having a human bed with dog bed underneath is buying a platform bed. A platform bed is the ideal dog den under your own bed you wish to have but there are some things that you may need to check before you make a purchase
- Space Underneath the Bed(16 inch Ideal)
- Quality of the frame
- Easy Assembly
- Comfortable Space Required by family
The Space under your bed is where the dog will be sleeping in and if you want a dog bed under your bed then you must make sure that there is enough space for your dog to be comfortable in which is mostly considered to be 16 inches as the average dog height is 24 inches while standing
The Quality of the frame will determine how long you will be able to use the bed frame, some bed frames even wear down over time and that attribute is linked to the material used in manufacturing it
Platform beds rarely come pre-assembled and you would have to assemble then manually or have to pay someone to assemble it so do read the manual carefully.
The Space required by the family will determine whether you should buy a twin bed frame a full bed frame or a king-sized bed frame. The twin bed frames are mostly used for a singular child or adult while the full bed frame offers more comfort for an adult
Platform beds are easily available in a variety of sizes such as Twin, Full and even California King sized bed. Therefore, the number of family members you wish to have the bed for is important in selecting the right size. The Quality of the frame can be accounted for by the weight it can hold and the noise it produces which some metal frames do while in use. If the bed frame is able to be easily assembled then that counts as a plus point for any platform bed but you can always pay for assembly as it is a once in a lifetime charge.
Considering all of the above the best platform bed for you to purchase would be:
Zinus Casey 18 Inch Premium Platform Bed Frame
This best seller is ranked Top 7 in bed frames and there is a reason for it. The strong steel frame ensures strength and a lifetime long-lasting bed frame while having multiple support contacts to the ground, which helps in stabilizing and increases the mattress life
It also has a smart base design, which removes the need for a box spring before the placing of a spring mattress or a memory foam. The company also offers a 5-year worry-free warranty and claims that the bed can support 4000 pounds depending upon the frame size being used
This platform bed is also lightweight and can be unassembled making it ideal for shifting from one room to the other in case of redecorating the room or if you want to assemble it in case a guest arrives. However, the key feature we are looking for is the spacious clearance under the bed that is ideal for a dog den and can form a living space for more than one dog. It just requires the regular dog bed to be placed under your own bed and the 17-inch under space of this platform bed will make it the perfect home for your pet dog.
- Spacious 17 inches under clearance
- Low Budget
- Light Weight
- Multiple Dog Den
Bed Frame With Built-In Dog Bed – What You Should Know?
Bed Frames with built-in dog beds are a rare sight in the average home but it is the dream bed for a dog lover. Who would not want a luxury bed with a dog bed built in so that you and your pet dog can look at the same bed to sleep in when you feel tired at night?
We often see pictures posted of these bed frames with built-in dog beds online. Sadly, these are only available if you are looking to having them custom made and custom-made furniture is expensive but the price is just right when you are looking for such a luxury.
Having a custom bed built offers a number of advantages over buying a mass-manufactured bed frame, which includes having the option to having the bed built as per the number of family members or the number of members who are going to sleep on the bed.
You can also have the bed designed to contain drawers underneath it with the included dog beds of course so you can have the additional storage space and the fulfillment of the dream of having your dog sleep under your bed.
The bed can be made of any required size from a king-sized to a twin-sized bed so that it may be more suitable for the interior of your room and even the type of wood used to make the bed offers a selection on demand.
Custom made beds are a luxury as they require a high budget but they also offer proper design and high weight support while incorporating all types of other factors that are ensured by the design and manufacturing company in every bed frame. There is, however, a brighter side to this some people have tried to build their own custom-made dog bed under the bed of their own and surprisingly they look amazing. Here is a way you can make your own bed frame with built-in dog bed.
Custom Home-Made Dog Bed Under Bed Ikea Expedit Hack
The Creativity and Simplicity of this Custom Home-made dog bed is brilliant enough to amaze anyone and after seeing this we guarantee that no dog owner can resist trying to make it. The Procedure is shown so brilliantly and clearly that anyone can make it properly while following the given instructions on the blog.
All the things you need to make this are
- Piece of plywood,
- 2 4x4s
- 2 2x4s
- T brackets
- Screws and nails
Even the Steps are so easy that anyone would be encouraged to follow them even if they have never held a hammer or nails in their life. There is nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment after you make a bed for yourself and your pet dog while having fun and looking forward to the good night’s rest you deserve with your pet dog as close as ever.
- Low Budget
- Decorative Look
- Bed Dimensions according to need
- Offers some Storage Space Underneath
- Low Weight Support
If you are not looking to go over such measures and are willing to spend on a premium grade custom bed frame with built in dog bed then there are many companies that will do that for you under a reasonable price
Custom Company Made Bed Frame with Built-in Dog Bed
The title above features a Facebook post with had the attraction on many proud dog owners and the comment sections are seen filled with praise of the design. The Owner of the Custom made bed was Molly Mc Mullen and her dogs looked as happy as ever in the picture that she provided.
The Dog Chambers below the Bed Frame seem like the ideal home for pet dogs and even lockable doors can be seen on the dog beds underneath. The Beautiful wooden bed frame gives the look of a perfect home for the owner and the dogs.
The Designers and manufactures of this bed is an American based company name Sandtown Millworks and they would love to design the same bed according to your specific needs for you once you give them a call
- Properly Designed
- Good Weight Support
- Can Contain Storage Space on Demand
- Lively Look of Bed Frame
- Requires High Budget
Custom Made King Size Bed With Dog Bed Built-In
A King Sized Bed with a dog den underneath is the symbol of luxury and wealth. The California King Size Bed with dog bed built-in in the title is a good idea for your first custom-made bed if you are willing to spend some extra cash. Whether you order it custom made from Sandtown Millworks or any other furniture company the most expensive bed frame would be this king-sized bed
Such a bed would only be suitable for the master bedroom because of its sheer size but its grand look would be fitting to every well-decorated room in the house. The dog den underneath can be modified to have doors and even space to store things that all depends upon you. The whole texture color and design comes under the desire of your imagination and that all is possible only when you have it custom made
- Grand Look
- Wood of Choice
- Design of Choice
- Stable and Long Lasting
- Can Withstand Weight
- Large Size
- Expensive