How to Stop Rats Climbing Drain Pipes?

Are you thinking about the ways on how to stop rats from climbing drain pipes? Find out the ways and instructions on preventing rats. There is an old urban myth; you might hear that we are never more than 6 feet away from a rat. Rats are everywhere, and the problem of them is so distressing. Dealing with them is a nightmare for most of us. As they are huge, horrific, spread germ and diseases, dirt, and can produce rapidly.
They can access your home from anywhere, especially when they find any holes, cracks, or from under your flooring. But the drainage area is one of them as they climb up pipes from there and can enter your home without any problem. The best way to prevent them is to stop the way to access food, water, and shelter. Here we will discuss rats and some useful methods to prevent rats from climbing drain pipes. Read Here:14 EASY WAYS HOW TO UNCLOG A TOILET
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Can Rats Climb?
Yes, rats are great climbers, and they can easily climb through your drain pipes. These critters are fantastic in climbing, which makes them spread through urban piping all over the world. Besides drains, rats can climb up through trees, vertical walls and can infest drain, gutters, wires, and cables in no time. As they have a flexible body, they can squeeze into tight spaces and even the U bend of a toilet.
Most of the rat species are skillful at climbing, but some of them exceed the rest. For instance, the black rats are known as roof rats, and Norway rats are the most skillful climbers of all.
Why Are Rats Great Climbers?
Rats can climb up anywhere if they find out the ways for it. They have pads and claws that are meant to attach to any surface. Their paws allow a solid grip that holds on tight, and their long nails help them to keep stability and balance.
Rodents such as rats can go up to 90cm (3feet) vertically with one jump and 120 cm (4 feet) horizontally. For this, they can easily climb up the roof without any problem. Rats also have less fall damage as they can fall around 15 meters in height and survive. There is one amazing ability of them is that rats can survive underwater for a long time. Rats are super swimmers, and they like to crawl through your drains.
How Do Rats Get Into Drains?
Rats generally infect the property throughout the drains, especially when there are no other entryways in your home. There are common signs you can see when rats infest property such as scratch under the floor or in the roof, nests, rat droppings, gnawed in walls, rubbish, bins, and doors.
Rats in the drainage system is a common issue for highly populated urban areas because most of the local authorities do not take any steps to protect the sewage against rodents that is why this issue leads to a serious rat infestation.
However, past few years, the pipe systems are less maintained and sometimes worn out, damaged, and full of cracks as there are water and waste flows go through. Rats can make a hole as big as their skull to pass through any gap.
You might be thinking that why they come to the drainage system as some rodents and rats prefer being close to the water. So, rats can surprise you in the bathroom as they climb up the pipe, so you should take steps to prevent them.
Prevent Rats for Drains
Rats love to come into drains, and the best way to prevent them is to install a blocker to prevent them from coming into the drainage system. Rats can climb up the soil pipe and throughout the U bend of the toilet. The most simple tip I would suggest is to shut off the lid on the toilet. However, the best way to protect is a non-return valve with a single flap that prevents the rat from climbing up from the drainage system. Besides, there are other useful ways,
- Make sure there are no leftover foodstuffs left out of the container.
- Avoid keeping the pet food out for a long time.
- Keep the garden area clean and remove any clutter to stop the areas for rats.
- Do not keep the clutter that is bent against the building for a long time.
- Keep the rubbish in bins with a close cap.
- Walk around and seal the entry points in the property.
- Check the underneath of the door and seal the gaps so that they can not go under the door.
How To Stop Rats Climbing Drain Pipes?
Rat control specialists and researchers have found out the most effective methods to prevent rats and vermins. That will help us to know the most common and effective ways to put stops to rats climbing up the toilet and not getting in the drain system of your home.
If you live in a rental property, then you will be happy to know that taking care of this type of problem is a part of the landlord checklist, and it is their responsibility to take necessary action to prevent rats from your home. However, if you are the owner, then you should deal with the problem on your own, and here is how you can do it.
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Rodent Barriers
There are various ways of appliance you can make use of but here are the most successful ones,
- Set up extended sections of the vertical removable pipe. That way, you can make a safeguard to put a stop on rats climbing through the pipes.
- Put inner finned pipes in the drain stack.
Covers & Gratings
Placing plastic drainpipe covers or wire mesh will protect your drainage. They operate pretty well, and they also stop the entrance of rats.
Cages are used to work like a blockage against rats. These are installed in the ventilation pipes. And these pipes are attached to the discharge stack.
Drain Blocker Rat Flap
Another effective way is setting up a one-way valve. It is a unique rat blocker for drains. It lets the water and any wastage pass by, but it is not accessible in the opposite direction. As a result, the rats can not climb via pipes anymore.
Also, the rat flap blocker is installed in the main drain system, which connects your property and the sewage. These are great because it is made with clay, PVC, or iron materials. Besides, they can be applied in the balconies from where the outlet pipes connect to the main drainage.
Sealed Drainage
Your drainage pipework should not have any cracks and holes. These pipeworks are very important because they connect the vertical discharge of your home. That needs easy accessibility for the inspections and clearing or any blockages.
Diverter Leaf Collector
Normally, rats intend to climb up the pipes to get on the roof. That is why you must be aware of those pipes. A diverter leaf collector can be the right choice. It will prevent rats and stop gutter blockage.
A simple and temporary solution for those who see the rat that pops up from the toilet bowl is flushing and then closing the lid. That way, the flush system will send the rat back to the sewer system and temporarily solve the matter. But the rat will come back again, so you need to take further actions in time to solve this issue.
You can pour some bleach on the toilet bowl so that it can suffocate the vermins or rats for some minutes. Anyway, you should take more effective action to deal with the rat. You should call a plumber or pest controller to take out the rodent from drainage, or else it will clog the drain and lead to more problems for you.
Pest Control
Many pest control services are dedicated to deal with the rats even if they are in the drain. Their specialist will use a loop on the rat’s neck to get it out from the toilet. If you intend to do this task by yourself, it might become complicated for you. If the trap catches the rat’s paw, the rat will become aggressive and try to bite you. That is why we suggest letting the pros do the task.
Other Solutions
Some homeowners apple some extreme methods to prevent rats such as:
- Poisons
- Shotguns
- Fire sprinkles
These can not guarantee that you will kill rats, but they are very risky that you might end up getting injured rather than protecting your property.
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Final Words
Now you know about the amazing climbers, and you will not be surprised when you see one. However, you should take the necessary precautions to prevent your home from rats. You have to cover all the openings and holes that may rats can use to come to your home. If the pests or rats problem is excessive, then call a professional plumber or pest control to prevent all the rats.